You know knitting isn’t just for old nana’s. Knitting is a forgotten art! Let me tell you about my love of knitting at age 75.”



Knitting tips

  • When you knit socks – make sure you knit two.

  • Don’t let people call you a Knit Wit

  • Always be kind to sheep and goats.

  • Needles are your friends – don’t ever yell at them when you get it wrong or drop a stitch.

  • Follow the pattern or you might end up a with a three armed pair of pants.

  • Spin your own wool – but make sure it’s off the sheep before you start.


You know there’s more to knitting than booties and bonnets for grandchildren. I bet all of you picture knitting as an old woman sitting in her rocking chair on the porch knitting a pair of pink booties. Well I’m sorry to burst your little woollen bubble, but that’s just not the case.

Knitting is on the rise again! And more and more people are taking it up!

I’ve been knitting for near on 40 years. I started out knitting socks and scarves and slowly progressed to sweaters, cakes and toys.

I’ve come to master knitting like it’s been in my family for generations.

Dennis just has no idea about knitting. I once caught Dennis trying to thread the knitting needles! I tried to explain that knitting needles didn’t have an eye and she just looked at me all googly like I was talking rubbish. So I left her to it.


A lot of people take up knitting because it’s just so relaxing. Once you get into the groove of it your hands do all the work and you can almost forget you’re doing it. I once completely forgot I was knitting – I went down to the store to buy some eggs, I walked along the beach, I visited a close friend and by the time I got back I’d knitted a vest. It’s some of the best work I’ve done – a bright red vest – warms you in winter!

There’s all sorts of wool you can use too – double knit, triple knit, four ply and of course mohair. I once knitted Giles a mohawk out of mohair. He was only five and he looked like the coolest little punk at school. I was going to knit him a motorcyle helmet to wear when I took him for rides on my bike but he’s a bit claustrophobic and the wool over his face gave him a rash.

Next page




Hello, I am Dr Leggs, the resident psychiatrist of Sunset Cove. Many interesting people come to see me about their problems (and you can sometimes see me in Atlantis High!). Each week I’m profiling different Sunset Covers – and this week is the world’s most wacky Grandfather – Grampa.

Name:Grampa Gordon (Dorothy calls him Dad – but nobody knows him by any other name).
Age: Physically a sixty-something Grampa – mentally, an 18 year old

Eccentric knitting-loving Grampa to Giles Gordon

Appearance:Grampa always seems to wear a sleeve-less sweater and red baseball cap (sometimes back to front). He usually carries knitting kneedles and wool
Past History:Unknown. One of the mysteries of the universe. Grampa never talks about his past or what he did for an occupation or other exploits when he was younger. Grampa is an enigma shrouded in a misty mystery.
Motives:Grampa has two main motives – one, to keep his mysterious past a secret unknown to anyone except himself and two: to look after his family members. Grampa loves his daughter, Dorothy (whom he calls “Dennis”) and grandson, Giles. But will these two motives ever clash – and if so, what happens then?
Influences:Television. Grampa adores it. His lifelong ambition has been to be on TV and he has applied to over 487 quiz shows. He narrowly missed out on the TV quizshow “10 questions about wool” because it was axed due to low ratings (only 6 people watched it – 5 of them were family members of the makers of the show). His other influence is his family. And his mysterious past…
Strengths: Knitting. Grampa is an amazing knitter. He once knit a motorbike out of barbed wire. He is also very determined and will never give up when facing the odds – unless the odds are too big…
Weaknesses: Knitting. Grampa loves knitting so much it is a distraction for him at times. Likewise television – he sits for hours and hours glued to the TV (in fact, he once glued himself to the TV and firemen had to cut him free. He hoped at the time he might make it on the local news TV due to this mishap and fulfil his ambition to appear on TV).
Catchphrases: “Dennis!” (to Dorothy), “I’m trying to watch TV” or “Don’t ask questions!” (when asked about his past), and “Giles Gordon is an alien!”
Secrets:This Grampa is a walking secret – he is secrecy in motion. He has more secrets than the secret service. What are his secrets? Sorry – that’s a secret…

Rumour has it that Grampa’s daughter, Dorothy, is not really his natural daughter. Another rumour is that Grampa’s grandson, Giles, is really an alien. I find it hard to believe these rumours though there may be truth to the rumour that Grampa once knitted a scraf that was so long it went from the Earth to planet Neptune, where a group of aliens used it to wrap around their long green necks to keep warm (after all, it is cold in space so this is a plausible rumour)…





Giles’ eccentric grandfather is unhappy at first to move to Sunset Cove. Neurotic and young at heart, Grandpa offers sometimes bizarre but encouraging advice to Giles and pops up in the most unexpected ways.Grandpa’s first love (excluding his family of course) is television – he literally sits in front of the television all day and will awake from his heavy snoozing as soon as the channels change.


Martyn Sanderson
Martyn is a veteran of both stage and screen. Martyn is a regular performer in the theatre and has been in Cloud 9’s previous productions, The Enid Blyton Adventure Series and The Legend of William Tell.