Things you do when you’re in love:

  1. Feel giddy and faint when seeing the person you love
  2. Get tongue tied and not know what to say when seeing the person you love
  3. Buy presents for (or receive presents from) the person of your dreams
  4. Smile a lot
  5. Spend all day thinking about the person you love

Love is not easy. There can be obstacles in the way of love. Sometimes I used to argue with Anthony – and he would even argue with me in return!

Rumours can plague a relationship. Many students at Atlantis would whisper crazy things that I was really Anthony and would dress up as him – and then dress as myself – because Anthony and Anthonia were never seen together? That’s a horrible thing to say. Anthony and I would not normally be seen together because – um… because… well… because we wouldn’t, that’s why!

You can tell sombody’s NOT happily in love when they are:
  1. Having dates. Lots of them (I mean the fruit called dates. Too many will give you indigestion!).
  2. Walking round town dressed up in a lifesize gorilla suit. This is not a way to attract someone and show’s the person is not in love.
  3. Being irritable all the time. If someone’s mega grouchy then this may be because they are very angry at something – when someone’s happily in love, they are normally happy.
  4. Avoiding movies, books or anything to do with the subject of love. This is trying to escape from the whole love thing and shows they want none of it!
  5. Buying loads and loads of boxes of tissues. This is to wipe away the tears of unhappiness. Or then again, maybe the person has a bad cold and needs to wipe their nose?

Jet says love is a conspiracy by toaster manufacturers. You fall in love, get married and buy a toaster in your new house then divorce – and have to buy another toaster.

It’s true I guess that things can pop up unexpectedly when you’re in love (and toaster’s pop up) so there may be a connection after all…

Sadly, Anthony and I have broken up – for good! Boo hoo hoo (pass me the tissues!). I feel like I have literally been split down the middle by our break up. And now, Anthony has left Sunset Cove and may never return. What am I going to do? How can I ever get over our love which I thought would last forever? I will truly never ever love again… actually hang on, on second thoughts, Mr Dorsey is quite handsome from a certain perspective…




“Hi, I’m Antonia and I’ve been in love with the hunk of my life, Anthony. But now he’s gone and I think we’ve split for good! Love can be good and bad – I know a lot about love and this is my guide to it…”



10 famous couples:

  1. Anthony and Cleopatra
  2. Anthony and Antonia
  3. Romeo and Juliet
  4. Heathcliff and Cathy
  5. Sonny and Cher
  6. Strawberries and cream
  7. David and Victoria Beckham
  8. Superman and Louis Lane
  9. Apple pie and ice cream
  10. Morecambe and Wise

I remember when Anthony and I first fell in love. Anthony actually did fall for me – he tripped over my books at school (I had deliberately dropped them to get his attention) and we soon fell for each other.

Why do you fall in love?

Well there are different schools of thought on this. Some scientists say it’s all to do with how you smell. There’s something called “pheromones” and people smell you and are attracted by your pheromones (weren’t they a 70s pop group my Mum listened to?). I loved the smell of Anthony’s pheromones – and he wore a nice aftershave too.
Other scientists say that it’s due to chemistry – although I prefer Mr Dorsey’s physics class. How can chemistry have anything to do with it?

And there are age old sayings like “opposites attract” to explain falling in love. But hey, that can’t be true!

I’m really pretty and a nice person – why would I fall in love with my opposite who would be really ugly and horrible? That’s just weird…
Apparently love may also have something to do with the birds and the bees but I’m not sure how this could be so. Is it because love gives you a buzz (like bees)? Or you feel all chirpy (like a bird) when you’re in love? I don’t know.
But for whatever reason, people fall in love.

In love but not in love???

Sometimes people are in love but keep it a secret and don’t tell each other. I know Giles is in love with Octavia – he goes crazy whenever she strolls by. But he seems too scared to tell her.
Does Octavia like Giles in return? I don’t know for sure – maybe she does, maybe she doesn’t but she’s not letting on for now.
Other times, people say they are in “love” but use this as an excuse to get something else. Sabrina is always chasing after Josh. Yes, he’s good looking but I think she likes him more for the fact he is amazingly rich – she’s after his wealth rather than him as a person.


Christmas in Sunset Cove nice earings! 3


Christmas in Sunset Cove

: “Why I love Christmas!! It’s my job to cook the Christmas turkey for the Atlantis High school dinner – this year’s bird was caught during a game of football and is a giant mutant pigeon that weights over four tonnes! It will take me all month to cook. My little Giles looks so cute wearing his winter woolies”.

SOPHIE: “I love Christmas! Santa and I have a competition to see who has the best special powers – he can jump down chimneys or letterboxes but my
poltergeist can lift up presents and make them fly around the room! I’d like to get Mr Fluffy Muffin a Santa hat – and for Giles to marry me!”.

VERMONT: “Oh dear, I have unhappy memories about Christmas. Last year I thought Santa (flying in his sleigh) was a UFO – I saw lights in the sky and ordered my troops to open fire. Santa was almost a gonner but Rudolph took evasive action and saved him. I’d like to know if there ARE any aliens out there for Christmas – and to catch one! I also love stockings – um, putting them on the fireplace rather than wearing them, you’ll understand!”.

GRAMPA: “I remember my first Christmas when I was a child about 300 years ago. My mother knitted me a locomotive out of steel wire. I loved it! This year I’ll knit Giles his own car
and carry on the tradition. I like to reminisce about Christmases from long ago with Frosty the snowman – he’s really cool!

We would like to wish you a fantastic Christmas. There’ll be some amazing Atlantis High guides to check out in the New Year! Happy Christmas!



Christmas in Sunset Cove

BEANIE: “I love Christ
mas – eating hot cross buns, chocolate eggs to eat. I get very cold ears when it snows – I use ovengloves as earwarmers, otherwise my ear wax freezes and blocks my hearing. I’m making Jet a necklace made of pebbles from the beach. I’d love to know who I am for my Christmas present – ya know, my origins and where I am from. Santa says I look a bit like his elves and last year he offered me a job in his toy factory…”

VER LINING: “Yes! I LOVE Christmas! Santa is my favourite superhero and I admire him. He wears a lovely red suit and has amazing superpowers – he flies around the world in record time with his sidekick Rudolph, he battles misery and unhappiness by giving presents wherever he goes. Santa is a good role model. I’d like a new pink mask for Christmas”.

OCTAVIA: “Jingle bells is my favourite song. Christmas is superb – I celebrate it with my daddy and mummy, who hold a Christmas party each year. I may get Giles some nicer clothes to wear as a present. I’d like some purple clothes for me, some make-up and a book by eminent Harvard professor, Dr Rudolph Rainder called “History of Reindeer”.

SHANE: “Christmas is nice I suppose. It makes people smile and I like to compare how bright their teeth are with mine. But I don’t like when it snows – the sun goes out (which ruins my tan) and I must wear warm fuzzy clothes to keep warm – I miss my shorts and can’t see my legs! I am also jealous that one thing in town has a better tan than me – the Christmas turkey (after it has cooked in the oven for 8 hours) is almost as brown as I am”.

: “Aaah – you want my opinion on the earth custom known as Christmas? Well it reminds me of “Masmas” which we celebrate on Fenor each year. A 3 eyed goozlebeast is cooked on a fire for 3 weeks and then eaten by Fenorians, who also sing songs, dance round the fire and give each other a wrapped up present. Christmas makes me homesick… but I like it for that very reason. I wish Santa would help me find Atlantis this year”.

FROSTY: “Christmas is great! I love it when people make snowmen (and snowwomen) because then I have some company and snow-creatures I can relate to. I’m a bit sad because last year both my parents melted in the sun! This year I’ll be visited on Boxing Day by my other relatives – Uncle Frank (who lives in a freezer) and Aunt Pammy (who is a puddle and lives in a bucket). They too nearly melted in the sun but they are thankfully still alive. I hope to get a fridge-freezer from Santa and to meet a female Frosty”.





“Well hello there – it’s me, Santa Claus. Christmas is such a wonderful magic time of the year and brings joy to millions of people around the world – including Sunset Cove. In this special bumper 3 page guide, the people of Sunset Cove bring you their guide to Christmas…”

Christmas in Sunset Cove

As Santa discovered the first time
he visited it, Sunset Cove celebrates Christmas very differently. Firstly, remember that there are on average 364 days of sun per year and average temperatures in December here are 78 degrees. So it is (as the newsman says) hot hot hot – but Christmas Day is the exception because that’s the one day in the year there is no sun – but snow!

For some strange reason, Sunset Cove is situated on the Antarctic northern archipelago which means there is a strong gust of ice cool wind every 25th December – and you are guaranteed snow! About 5 feet of snow falls on
Christmas Day morning. The Sunset Cove people are not used to snow and it turns their world upside down as they adapt to snow on this fantastic day -, as we will see below…

Not many homes in Sunset Cove have chimneys so Santa must get into houses to deliver presents through letterboxes, satellite dish receivers, up drain pipes, through open windows, the back door, the front door, sometimes even through the keyhole. The most popular presents in Sunset Cove he delivers are sun tan lotion, moisturizer, toothbrushes, sunbeds, surfboards – reflecting the love of the town for the sun, shiny teeth and the beach.

The people of the town have an annual snowman competition – they must build the biggest and best-looking snowman out of all the tonnes of snow. The winner gets a gigantic hamper full of a year’s supply of sun tan lotion. The competition is presided over by Frosty the Snowman – who has a strange tendency to award the prize to whoever makes the best looking snowwoman…

Santa has found out what Christmas means to some of the most famous citizens of Sunset Cove – here are their accounts (described by themselves) of what Christmas means to them…

GILES: “I love Christmas. For me it is a magic and wonderful time that I celebrate with my Mum and Grampa. I love the music, giving presents to those I love. I’ll try to give Octavia something nice this year – I may make something for her. Christmas in Sunset Cove is a bit weird and celebrated differently. This year I want a book on Shakespeare and a computer”.

JET: “No way Santa – get out o
f my face! Okay… I’ll answer your question. Christmas is actually a conspiracy by global companies to make everybody buy presents. Santa himself is really the Chief Executive of SNOWBIZ TOYS Limited, a north pole based organisation that hires elves on very bad wages to make millions of toys in terrible working conditions. I say no way to Christmas. And that Frosty guy gives me the creeps…”