
Sunset Cove is the beautiful resort town by the sea “where it all comes true”. To check out some of the places in and around Sunset Cove, click the pictures below…  If you like the look of it, come and visit Atlantis High (you can fly in or hitch a ride on an alien spacecraft – that might sound weird but it’s not such an unusual occurrence round here).  We’ll keep a place just for you on the beach! 🙂


Coach Shane's Gym
Alien Spacecraft
Mr Dorsey's Lab
Coach Shane’s Gym
Alien Spacecraft
Mr Dorsey’s Lab
Q's Room
Atlantis High school
The Beach
Q’s Room 
Atlantis High school
The Beach
High Street
Princess Diner
Giles Gordon's house
Sunset Cove High Street
The Diner
Giles Gordon’s house
Vermont's house
Octavia Vermont’s house


Put away your Shakespeare, the Atlantis High Encyclopedia was to be THE hallmark of literature, the greatest reference for human and alienkind in studying Atlantis High’s wacky community.  As it happened, only a few subjects were covered before the scholar conducting research for the encyclopedia was persuaded by Coach Shane it was more important to work on perfecting their physical image than adding further topics.  So here we have it, incomplete and brief though it may be – the A to NZ Encyclopaedia of Atlantis High…

Post Production

When all the cast have gone back to their normal lives, the crew are on “downtime” and the studio resembles a ghost town, the post production team are still hard at work in their darkened rooms!Once filming has been completed for each episode, it goes through the post production process. This department works closely with Chief Executive Raymond Thompson to make sure that the overall look and sound is the one that he wants for the series.

First stop is with the editor who, along with the assistant editors, has the huge task of choosing shots from all the footage and piecing it together to form a rough cut of the episode. This rough cut gets sliced and glued many times in order to pull the story together in just the right way.

Next stop is with the music editor who chooses the right music for each scene. There is a vast amount of music for him to choose from on Atlantis High as the soundtrack was written specifically for the series and there is a lot of it! This editor has to watch each scene carefully in order to get a feel for it and to know which piece of music suits it best. The track is then cut together and laid down.

On to the sound designer who adds all the strange and wonderful noises and sound effects from the alien spaceship and the aliens themselves, to the running water in the shower. This designer works closely with the dialogue editor who has to make sure that the dialogue can actually be heard and that it fits in with the lip movement of the actors. ADRs (or Additional Dialogue Requirements) are sometimes needed and the dialogue editor re-records the actors speaking their lines. Other ADRs such as crowd noise is also recorded.

Across the corridor is the mixing suite where the dubbing mixer works his magic from a NASA style control board. All the levels are checked so that the music is not too loud, the dialogue too quiet, etc.
Last stop is with the post production manager who colour grades the episode and makes sure that the sky and sea are suitable for the high standards in Sunset Cove!



Location shootingCloud 9 employs a location manager who has to scout the countryside for wonderful places in which to film the series. This manager then goes out on a “recce” with members from the production team such as the director for the upcoming episode, first assistant director, the production manager, art director and director of photography. This team make sure that the chosen location will suit the requirements of the episode and is a safe area in which to film. It is then up to the location manager to liaise with the owner of the property or land and to obtain any permits from the council. Cloud 9 works closely with the council to make sure that no flora and fauna is harmed during filming. Most locations are dressed by the art department to suit the feel of the show during the filming of Atlantis High, and locals from a nearby town grew used to seeing armoured vehicles, motorbikes and American cars cruising down their streets! Outdoor locations were chosen for their resemblance to California as the series has a definite surf-culture vibe to it. We did not have to look very far for wonderful locations in New Zealand and managed to find an empty wing of a local school that became the home of Atlantis High school itself. Many golden sandy beaches were used in the filming of the series, beaches that stretch as far as the eye can see, and so it was that Sunset Cove was born.




Where is Beanie? This photo was mysteriously found and it is hard to find an explanation on where it might have been taken. Could this be where Beanie grew up? How long ago was it? Beanie is certainly old…but how old?

A strange place but Beanie appears to look very happy in this photo. It looks like a very spiritual place….